Friday, December 24, 2010
Ho! Ho! Ho!

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Embroidered Portraits by Daniel Kornrumpf

The Aromatherapy Co Winner!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Knock Knock Recovery Kits

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Beautiful Boy: Andrej Pejic

It seems that in 2011 we'll continue to see the rise and rise of Serbian-Australian model, Andrej Pejic.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Muther of All Things

While the liquid beauty of the ocean has long taken pride of place in Australia’s collective identity, surf culture has largely remained a boy’s club. One label though that is recasting girls front and center is Muther of All Things.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Five Alive Friday

- This Roald Dahl quote made my day.
- In case you haven't received your Christmas card from the Kardashians, here it is! It's very Dynasty-esque, don't you think?
- Top Ten lists reviewing 2010 are starting to roll in. Here's a rundown of the ten most retweeted tweets.
- An egg style house? Yes, please!
- For a good dose of the Friday giggles, head on over to Hover Hands.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The Aromatherapy Co Giveaway!

- If you're not already, become a Checks and Spots follower by signing up on the right-of-screen; and
- Leave a comment below.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Interview: Founder of The Aromatherapy Co, Sarah Townsend

I’m inspired by...my children
My top aromatherapy tip is...sleeping is a very big problem for many of us (including myself) and therefore I always have lavender essential oil and our relaxing blend beside the bed. I find a few drops on the pillow works wonders to send me into a deep restful sleep. Also tea tree oils is a must-have in your first aid kit, it really is a little miracle healer and can be used in so many ways as it is a natural disinfectant and great for dry skin.
I thought ‘someone pinch me’ when...Everyday I thank the universe for my family and friends, I am truly blessed.
My favourite essential blend is...orange and jasmine. It is so revitalizing and regenerating for your skin and it always reminds me of summer holidays.
If I could turn back the clock...I would have stayed at home longer when my girls were babies as they grow so fast.

Most people don’t know that I...have a amazing father who has inspired and mentored me and is my best friend.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sure, an ipad or Kindle is awfully handy, but you can't do this with them! Created by artist, Lisa Occhipinti, each bookmobile is designed as a sculptural object to emanate bliss.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Boxing Kitten

1-2-3! It's a knockout!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Five Alive Friday

- The world's most expensive book, Birds of America, just sold for US$10 million at auction in London.
- To tick off all the kids on your Christmas list, head on over to a fab site called Moo Said The Cow. I've done a lot of my Chrissy shopping over there...plus they have the added sweetner of 25% off all toys until this Sunday.
- Check out this donut maker. As the great Homer Simpson would say, 'Mmmmmm, donuts!'
- Plastic fantastic! Artist Bang-Yao Liu has recreated the city of Shanghai completely out of inexpensive plastic boxes and boxes.
- The VERAMEAT jewellery label isn't just about statement pieces - it's a conversation starter.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Moleskine Mini Planner Stop-Motion
MINI PLANNERS from Moleskine ® on Vimeo.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
What's Your Beauty Maintenance Routine?

- I dye my hair red and get it trimmed every 8 weeks. Before I had a baby, this used to be every 4 weeks, but I certainly don't have the luxury of time anymore!
- Every 6 or so weeks I get my brows shaped. In between I tweeze every few days.
- I have this weird superstition that if I don't shave my legs before going out for a night on the tiles, then I'm simply not properly put together. So my legs are religiously shaved on Saturday nights....and if I remember, they might get a quick going over during the week!
- I get a full-on-the-works facial twice a year.
- Whenever I get out of the shower , I slap on a truckload of the Bloom Organics Hydrating Body Lotion.
- I exfoliate once a week with Ren's Glycolactic Skin Renewal Peel Mask and moisturise morning and night with their Vita-Mineral Radiant Day Cream.
- Forget manis, I don't have the time or patience to wait for them to dry. I do give myself a little pedi every other week though.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Five Alive Friday

- The story of the real Steve Tucker (as in the public servant who wrote an email to 4,000 colleagues trying to find a girl he met at a party) has affected me so deeply. It's well worth making a cup of tea and spending five minutes reading this all the way to the end.
- This week I've been completely and utterly obsessed with this song. Can't hear it enough. Can't stop dancing to it.
- Surprisingly, American Apparel have changed their ad style to illustrations. Unsurprisingly, they still feature nudity.
- beautyheaven have just released a nifty iphone app. Featuring over 50,000 product reviews and an incredibly handy glossary of ingredients, it is perfect for cutting through the b.s. and making informed beauty purchases.
- Issue Seven of Curvy is out now. You'd be mad not to pick it up!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Interview: Silk Scarf Designer, Katrin Reifeiss

The Mood Indigo Set from Katrin's current range.
True style to me is...wearing what makes one feel beautiful. The most beautiful people are those that are nice, who love to laugh, have an eye for the unique and special and can take the high road in any situation. That is what true style to me is.
Three words that describe my scarves are...handmade, beautiful, one-of-a-kind.
My proudest business achievement...will be when I open my own store!
Fashion and philanthropy are…a winning situation for both the customer and the recipient of the funds. Everyone receives something. I believe also that if one can help out whether it is volunteering their time - even one day a year - or donating funds, then they should do it.
My desire to give back to the women in Cambodia stems from...visiting Siem Reap (in Cambodia) in January of this year. I fell in love with the people and the place and thought if I could give back in some way I would like to. Through Elizabeth Kiester of Wanderlust - a store she opened in Siem Reap a few years ago and who I had the pleasure of meeting - I learned of ConcertCambodia.org and on their website 'discovered ' The Silk Lab Project. The goal of The Silk Lab is to create social and economical security to disadvantaged women living in Siem Reap through a fair trade, non-for profit business. What a perfect fit!

I can’t live without...coffee in the morning, a good book, NYC and Paris, a great handbag, travelling and my best friend - my husband Tom.
I escape by...curling up in bed with a good book, watching Masterpiece Theatre on PBS, taking a walk through Prospect Park in Brooklyn or swimming in the Ocean.
Home is...wherever my husband and I are which is currently Brooklyn which we love!
In 2011…I'd like to see more common sense and sanity in the world. And for myself I would like to open up my own store where I can create and sell my collections and also give back to the local community anyway I can.
My golden rule is...smile.
From US $55; shop online at Katrin Reifeiss.